I love reading about other people’s set up, but I can’t help to wonder, why not screen share into Agony from the other machines and work like you’re sitting at the machine?
1 replyI love reading about other people’s set up, but I can’t help to wonder, why not screen share into Agony from the other machines and work like you’re sitting at the machine?
1 replyIt’s a possibility, but not the same as working locally. I run into issues such as global shortcuts not performing within the screen share, but instead on my local machine. Copy/paste gets frustrating. And I prefer to have local files and be able to edit without screen sharing so I can work locally in cases where I can’t screen share for whatever reason.
It’s definitely not out of the question, but I just don’t like it.
1 replyFair. I usually end up with NoMachine when remoting into macOS. I haven’t tried Sunlight/Moonlight with macOS yet, but it’s fantastic for Windows. I have a cheap mini PC on my treadmill and run Moonlight to my desktop, it’s like I’m sitting at my desktop.