Love it! I’d be curious to see this snippet, is it publicly shared?
Hi, Jens here, doing stuff with computers since 1977, first Mac in 1990. Trying to fix things with LaunchBar, DEVONthink and Marked 2. Using Espanso instead of TextExpander. Living on an old li‘l farm in South Germany with wife and two ponies.
Thanks for the invite Brett!
It’s an age-old tale. I expect that everyone who joins this forum deals with the same conundrum .
I love that we’re international!
Nope, I don’t have it shared at all.
However, my “#rsa” shortcut expands to
“ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss,ssh-rsa -i ~/.ssh/hetroot.private.pem user@server”
I HATE ssh options with all of our servers which is why I put that in a Snippet.
Hi I’m Blake. I’m a frontend web developer, side project enthusiast, font hoarder, wheelchair user, and a several-times-sponsor of (A Fine Start)! I think I found Brett by way of nvALT (in the early 2010s?) but it could have been before that.
I love tinkering with my personal site and small-ish side projects. Typing is physically difficult for me so I enjoy trying various solutions for speeding it up (TextExpander), making it more ergonomic (customized onscreen keyboard), or avoiding it altogether (A Fine Start, or speech input with Talon).
Mac user since 1991. Oof. Still at it. Embrace some automation — love Drafts, Hazel, Keyboard Maestro, TextExpander, Marked — but try my best not to go too far down the distrcating rabbit holes…
Here in Denmark it is raining right now.
When I am not observing the weather I do a lot automation stuff locally on my Mac with Keyboard Maestro.
This has made my learn about the terminal, AppleScript and so on.
For my work a lot of automation is with a program called Enfocus Switch. This can be extended with TypeScript and node.js packages, so I have tried to learn that.
My field is the graphics arts so a lot of it involves pdf-files, conversion of files and such.
More and more it is also data manipulation. For this I have recently discovered Easy Data Transform. A node based “spreadsheet” editor. Really powerful for me.
And in my spare time I run (if it is not raining) and enjoy life with my family and dog. I am a sucker for at good tv-show or movie.
Thank you for this really nice initiative!
I would love to participate but have very limited time. Hope to return to this forum after a conference and describe some of the craziest things I have automated, and a lengthy reply in before TextExpander or some stuff I was happy to present for the Omni Group already in 2016.
See you later and best regards,
What’s your most elaborate automation?
- Finding the coffee pot in the dark.
What’s your favorite TextExpander snippet?
- A snippet that reminds me what my snippet keyword is.
What do you do in your free time?
- Running around looking for the stuff I need to get something done.
How’s the weather where you live?
- Tough to say, it keeps changing.
Hi, I’m Scott. Been working in IT for nearly 40 years, currently Head of IT for a large social care provider in the UK
I have been a Mac enthusiast for many years and have spent way more on Apple products over the years than I would like to know…
Current setup is 16" M1 MacBook Pro, iPad Mini, Apple Watch, iPhone 15 Plus etc etc…
When not playing with computers I like cycling both out and about and in my garage on smart trainer and Zwift.
Also dabble with blogs but never very consistent with it, my main blog is currently languishing again after a bit of an update recently…
Hey, I’m Jay,
I do podcasting things and work as a Developer Advocate - specifically in Python.
I build lots of things (personally/professionally) including online Podcasts, Youtube Videos, and the occaisional blog post!.
I’ve also been known to suggest a feature or two when Brett makes something so I hope this forum allows me to put the bug in his ear faster
hi Brett/everyone,
I don’t do automation, but certainly appreciate it.
I’m just a person abnormally interested in computer stuff, scripting, and have been a follower of yours for years.
Hey, good to see you here! Thanks for your support of the blog over the years!
I’m so happy you’re here. You’re one of the people I think of when I ask myself “who’s as crazy as I am and also capable of turning ideas into reality?”
Automation is certainly not a prerequisite for joining the conversation . I hope you’ll share some of your scripting adventures!
Hobby: coming up with smartass responses .
So you’re saying this isn’t the place to tell people about a half-baked idea.
Hi my name is Victor Cajiao. I use to have a podcast Typical Mac User from 2006-2011. I still enjoy all things tech and nerdy. Today I’m retired and spend a lot of time each day playing my saxophones.
I met Brett years ago as we spoke at the same. MacWorld conference. I have much respect for his work, and I thought I’d take him up on the opportunity to meet more nerds and learn from all of you.
Hi everyone,
I think it will be quite nice here.
I have built my whole task management around na (next action). Otherwise I use from Brett some tools like Bunch, Gather, snibbets, PopClip Extensions, Keybindings (maybe that was my start!), Marked, nvUltra, I even took some of Brett’s fish.
Otherwise Devonthink , Bettertouchtool, Hammerspoon for window management, Hazel, Alfred, Hookmark, Keyboard Maestro.
As you can see, I am a bit interested in some automation. Thanks to Brett I started using Terminal, I might even learn Ruby …