It is possible to Use Bunch and Moom to control windows in multiple desktops/spaces (note that Apple uses both terms to refer to the same thing as different places).
The key point is to have Bunch move to the space/desktop you want the applications, files, and folders to be on, then open them, then have Moom arrange the windows. And then repeat for the next space/desktop. It will take some experimenting with delays in Bunch.
There are two ways to have an application open in a specific space (which you may already know).
When an application is running, navigate to the space you want the application on, right click on the Dock icon, and in the menu select Options > Assign to This Desktop. And now when this application launches it will be placed on the specified desktop.
In Bunch you can specify the space to open on but it requires some set up.
In System Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard navigation - Keyboard Shortcuts (button) > Mission Control > Mission Control (checkbox) – enable the “Switch to Desktop N” keyboard shortcuts for the N spaces/desktops you use.
In Bunch use the syntax {^N}, where N is the space/desktop to switch to. Then list the items to open on that space. Then trigger Moom to rearrange that space. Then move to the next space. You’ll need to experiment with the delays in Bunch to make things work.
Note that if you use method 1, then launching such an application in Bunch will switch to that space, and you can sequence the other apps for that space after this one, again experimenting with delays in Bunch.
I use these techniques in my set up, which has four monitors and ten spaces.