I’ve just installed Bunch on two machines, an M1 MacBook Air and an M4 MacBook Pro, both running the current Sequoia (15.2). I had previously installed Bunch on the Air, but removed it last year in a fit of overzealous simplification. The installation on the Pro is new.
I’m seeing the same behavior on both: When I open System Settings → Notifications, either directly or through the button in the Bunch Preferences dialog, I find no item there for Bunch. It’s entirely possible I’m looking right at it and will recognize it the moment I post this, but I can’t see it now.
Also, I notice the button beside the Bunch Folder field is labeled “Add”, while entering a path in that box seems to replace the existing Bunch search path. The text field itself appears to maybe be a list, but I’ve never seen it show more than one entry.
I suspect that if either of these is actually a problem, it’s the result of macOS evolving out from under Bunch.
The approach taken with Bunch makes much more sense to me than do building-block automation tools. I can usually write a script to do what I want, but connecting it to the OS’s GUI is a pain. I’m very happy to have something to do that easily.
I’m on macOS 15.2 and Bunch 1.4.17 (180) and I do see an entry for Bunch in System Settings → Notifications. Note that the items listed there are not in alphabetical order, and Bunch is near the bottom for me.
I moved my scripts aside and deleted everything else Bunch-related that I (or Hazel) could find, then downloaded ‘Bunch1.4.17180.dmg’ and reinstalled. The Bunch Folder field then worked as shown in your screenshot, but there was still no sign of Bunch in the Notifications settings. I repeated this with ‘BunchBeta1.4.18182.dmg’ with the same result.
Results were the same on both machines.
I found several posts in various forums complaining about apps going missing from Notifications. No general insights or solutions, though.
I’ll keep an eye on this and let you know if anything changes. It’s not hurting anything that I can see, and not worthy of much troubleshooting time.
Well, this is embarrassing. This question was answered a few years ago at
but I didn’t find that in my original search. I added a notify command to a script, ran it, and Bunch appeared near (but not at) the bottom of the list of apps under Settings → Notifications.