Bunch, Marked 2, MarkDown Editing for Sublime Text, MarkDown Service Tools, nvUltra, PopClip Extensions, TextExpander Tools.
I use doing all the time. It’s about the only plain text thing I still use outside of Emacs.
Bunch since one of its early releases. (One of my all-time favorite utilities.) More recently Marked and SearchLink since I started blogging again. I gave CurlyQ a try for a one-off task last week, and it worked great. I’m intrigued by doing and think it could be useful for my day job, but I’m still trying to figure out how it would fit into my workflow.
I heard you mention this post on Overtired. I’ve followed your work and enjoyed all of it since Merlin put you on my radar so long ago. You should consider an Overtired meetup in MSP.
These days I only use Marked. Oh, and a bit of Markdown Editing. And I own & read the Mac Tips. But there’s a lot of your inspiration in my use of Alfred and its workflows and snippets. Apple’s Notes replaced nvAlt for me once iCloud sync was good enough.
OMG your avatar is my favorite Chuck Close work that used to be hanging in the MIA. I’d love to do an MSP Overtired meetup!
Ha! I have gone back and forth over the years between this “Self” and “Frank” which is also in the MIA collection, I think. Glad it gives you good vibes.
Do the meetup!
@ttscoff, it has been month now, and I open bunches pretty much everyday. And I’ve yet to experience a delay that wasn’t a self inflicted mistake when creating/editing a bunch.
Yeah, the issue seems to come and go for me. I haven’t been able to nail it down at ALL yet.