EagleFiler giveaway!

I’m offering a second chance to score one of two licenses for EagleFiler ($59.99 value each), just in case you missed it, or you didn’t win the first time around. EagleFiler is an amazing tool for cataloging and searching all of your information, from web pages to emails and every kind of file you need to keep track of. It gives you a Mail-like interface for viewing all of your data, supports tagging and notes, and offers AES encryption.

From the developer:

Organize files, archive e-mails, save Web pages and notes, search everything. The live search is faster than Spotlight, and you can also set up smart folders and smart folder actions.

Check out the EagleFiler site for more info.

Sign up below to enter. Winners will be randomly drawn on Friday, February 07, at 12pm Central. The drawing is for 2 licenses ($59.99 value each) for EagleFiler, one per winner. Note that if you’re reading this via RSS, you’ll need to visit this post on brettterpstra.com to enter!

New rule: All signups must have a first and last name in order to be eligible. Entries with only a first name will be skipped by the giveaway robot. A lot of the vendors in this series require first and last names for generating license codes, and your cooperation is appreciated!

Stay tuned for more giveaways every week through April, 2025 (and maybe beyond).

If you have an app you’d love to see featured in this series of giveaways, let me know. Also be sure to sign up for the mailing list or follow me on Mastodon so you can be (among) the first to know about these!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://brettterpstra.com/2025/02/03/eaglefiler-giveaway

Thanks for this! I hadn’t previously come across EagleFiler, so I’m very glad to discover it. The functionality seems a lot like KeepIt, which I’ve used previously. Are there any key differences and advantages/disadvantages to either? (I’m thinking of use on Mac alone; obviously, KeepIt has the advantage of iOS and iPadOS versions too.) They are both priced exactly the same.

I’m no Keep It expert, but as I understand it some key differences are:

  • EagleFiler has a capture hotkey that you can press when you’re in another app to import the “current item.” For example, press the F1 key in Safari to import the current Web page, in Mail to import the selected messages, or in Finder to import the selected file.

  • EagleFiler supports multiple libraries and multiple windows per library. An entire library, including its database and search indexes, can be encrypted.

  • EagleFiler can import/view/search e-mail messages stored in the standard mbox format.

  • EagleFiler can verify that all files in your library are present and that none have been damaged since they were imported (either from problems with your Mac’s storage, when migrated from your previous Mac, transferred across the network, etc.).

There’s also a feature list and a thread in the EagleFiler forum.

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Thanks, Michael. I really appreciate hearing from you here! The multiple library support is fantastic. I like the capture hotkey a lot, too (but it doesn’t work, unfortunately, in Firefox nor PDFExpert, where I spend much of my work time!). Thank you for a great app. I’m really enjoying exploring it and am very likely to keep using it.

Alas, Firefox isn’t AppleScriptable, but you could set up a bookmarklet so that you have a button to click or a hotkey to press. PDF Expert is not scriptable, either, but I think it does have a share button.