GitHub Automations? Anything you're Proud of?

It seems like Slack is becoming Enterprise toolchain lately, and Discord’s becoming the new hotness…

This is nothing super fancy (and it’s actually pretty easy to setup if anyone’s interested, I’ll post more).

But I’ve added the GitHub / Discord integration and I’m quite liking it:

Ignore the CI/CD fails, please. :smiley: Who knows what craziness I was doing…

You can customize it a bit, but by default it pushes to a Discord channel issues, PRs, commits, actions, and I think that’s most of it.

That looks pretty awesome. I don’t have a use for it personally as all of my teams are still on Slack and I only use Discord for Podcast chats and such. If my teams do make a switch, though…

Yeah, I haven’t used it for anything big or very critical yet. So I don’t know how Discord would work for larger teams.

So far it’s been plenty powerful on the free (no nitro) plan. I’m mostly using it for the Discord notifications for when items / issues / codebases are updated (and of course when CI/CD is triggered).

One of the reasons I’m still holding onto Swinsian as my music library player/manager of choice is that it support find-and-replace operations using regular expressions.

Yesterday, I figured out (with some help from RegExRx) how to rename a load of tracks that had ‘, The’ at the end if the artist name field.

Search term:

(.+), The$


The $1

That saved me a lot of manual work, and resulted in my rooting out a lot of duplicate tracks too. :slightly_smiling_face:

I should add that Swinsian has its own built-in duplicate track finder with controls for fuzzy searching on artist, track name and album title plus limits on time difference and matching track or disc numbers.