Have you tried Howzit?

Question for the developers here: have you tried Howzit? What do you think? What do you want to see?

For those who haven’t, are you documenting your projects at all? What are you using to do so?

(If you don’t know what I’m talking about, this is Howzit, and these are some posts about it.)


I’m atm probably more a tinkerer than developer (was many years ago, getting back to it in retirement)

But I read it, and many other posts, and borrowed some of the thinking. Thanks!

Some templated Markdown layouts, and Alfred scripts.
started with “where did I Put”,
but ended up with links to

  • an incomplete inventory,
  • “How-to” guides
  • manuals etc.

maybe old age :older_man: but remembering how to do something once every several years, or find a piece of camping equipment from a year ago, used to result in hours of frustration…

my only question left is how to tell iCloud “keep all the files in this directory, on my local drive AND synced to the cloud” so I can quickly locate on both Mac and phone

I have another tool called QuickQuestion that was kind of a precursor to Howzit. I retired the project as all development went into Howzit, but to the best of my knowledge it still works and I think it works well with Alfred. Basically allows you to ask question like “Where did I put…” and then answer it, and then in the future when you ask a similar question, it shows you your answer. Pretty much exactly the use case you describe :).