Hi Brett,
Thanks for taking this up!
Yes, I had “md” in the Outline Mode field (I think that had to do with an exchange we had years ago about using iThoughtsX with Marked.)
Removing it and restarting Marked hasn’t addressed the issue of flattening the mixed lists into only ordered (numbered). In the screenshot below, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 11 should be rendered as bullets.
As far as the smart quotes, that’s a more interesting issue. Do the smart quotes exist in the original Obsidian note, or are they the result of the Markdown conversion in Marked?
They are in the original note, copy-pasted from ChatGPT, I think.
If you right click on the quote and “Inspect”, does the source shown in the inspector have the invalid symbols?
That doesn’t seem to have the invalid symbols, if I’m doing it properly.
The most common cause of this is encoding issues. Try revealing the Obsidian note in Finder, copy it outside of the Obsidian vault (so it doesn’t trigger the Conductor track) and open it in Marked. Does the issue persist?
No, it doesn’t. The outline problem is still there, but not the invalid symbols.
If so, you can try opening Terminal and running file ~/path/to/file to see what encoding the document is being stored with. Let me know what you figure out from any of these and we can debug further.
I did this and got this result: Survey answers.md: Unicode text, UTF-8 text, with very long lines (658)
I’ve also switched the Appearance settings and the Style Settings plugin in Obsidian, to see if it has any impact. Nada.
Hope we can figure this out, because I really rely on Marked for generating clean RTF or Word or PDF documents from Obsidian. Pandoc doesn’t give me the same control.