HoudaSpot and/or Spotlight?

Brett’s latest giveaway was HoudhaSpot (Thanks! Of course I did not won :sweat_smile: ). But it made me thinking.

I’m using Spotlight for all my searches (CMD + Space). It’s quick and easy and almost always correct. It seem to me that switching to another app takes much more work.

Or have I missed some magic combination of SL and HS? :thinking: How do you use HS?

// Magnus

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If Spotlight is finding everything you need, you probably don’t need HoudahSpot. It offers a lot of tools for building more complex queries than Spotlight can, and can do better saved searches (and export smart folders, but those can only do what Spotlight can do). But if you’re never searching beyond Spotlight’s capability, you’re probably fine.

I did also recently discover Find Any File, which you can get for as little as $6, and can search NAS/network drives in ways that neither Spotlight nor HS can. It’s pretty slow, but when you’re searching for a file from years ago and it doesn’t have good metadata, FAF can usually find it.

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I hardly ever used Spotlight in the past because it always searched in all categories. That’s a mess. I now limit Spotlight searches to documents only. I find Spotlight much more useful that way.
I use HoudahSpot to search in emails that I have saved as eml files outside of Apple Mail. I can create search profiles for this in HoudahSpot.
For file searches I use FAF or EasyFind.
… and for snippets I search with Snibbets of course.