I kinda wanna know about your pet(s)

Is it possible that’s also what time you feed them? Cats (and dogs) have great internal clocks when it comes to feeding times…

Amazingly, all of my cats are patient in the morning, not meowing if I sleep in an hour. As soon as I’m up they go nuts, but stay perfectly quiet until I’m awake.

I dont think so (they always have dry food available). And the time can change - sometimes I tell them to be back 16 or 18…

Fascinating. Those are some smart kitties.

One other thing about cats: They smell so good. :heart_eyes_cat:
Put your nose on the head/neck, and it’s better then Chanel No 5. :joy_cat:


Same. Love my cats, miss my pit bull so much.

here’s my baby girl emma. you can’t tell but that’s her “happy” face.

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Aw, thanks for sharing!