Enjoying your website and posts for a long time - thanks so much! Via your Github stars I found out about GitHub - alexwlchan/safari-webarchiver: Save web pages as Safari webarchive files from the command line which is great (your focus on DEVONthink, Linkding and others aligns much with mine). I’ve created another version of that script to save PDFs instead of web archives and also sync cookies with my main Safari (without the need to package it as an app as it’s just reading the Binarycookies file). Maybe it’s of interested to you!
Oh wow, I’m really missing notifications here. So sorry I missed this.
Funnily enough I developed a similar version of the script in parallel. The latest version of mine does PDFs, web archives, markdown, and bookmarks. I don’t think I’ve shared that version publicly, but I switched to using DEVONthink for most of my archiving and now I’ve forgotten where I left the non-DT version.
Thanks for the link, I’ll share it on my Web Excursions for others who might not be checking the forum!
Hey @mdbraber , how hard do you think it would be to get a “clutter free” PDF out of this script? Like a Reader view or just loading the mobile version of the web page? And do you think it could output a paginated version?
This is way better than my own solution overall, but for archiving I usually don’t want all the cruft. I still mostly use Markdown for all of my notes and when I do save a PDF, it’s usually because I actually do want to preserve styling, etc., but don’t need menus, ads, etc.
Yes it’s definitely possible to create a version that runs Readability over a page, I’ve done this actually already in a DEVONthink version of a similar script. I think it would be possible to do a paginated version - I know DT is actually good in that particular output. But I think you can mangle a PDF to be ‘split’ in different pages also. I’ll have another look when I have some more time.