So you got Setapp... make the most of it

Let me start by saying that if you haven’t checked out Setapp yet, you should. The number of quality apps available makes it ridiculous to not give it a try.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Can’t seem to get this to work. The Automator app just returns a blank document even though I know I have some Setapp Apps already installed. Maybe it’s deprecated from 2019? would love an update!

I updated the script version but didn’t update the app version. Try this: If that works for you, I’ll update the post with a new download link.

Thanks for the quick reply Brett. Still a blank text file on desktop. Running all latest everything as of today’s date (all software updates are set to auto-update)

Is it possible that if it’s totally blank, I don’t have any apps that are in Setapp?

That is possible, yes. If that’s the case, you have 240 new apps to look forward to :).