Speed up development with Howzit templates

Ok, so you may or may not have heard of my Howzit project, so I’ll begin by recapping. “Howzit” is a contraction of “how does it” that allows you to query any project with commands like howzit build or howzit deploy and get documentation, as well as automatically execute the necessary steps for a task. I use it almost every day and it has saved me a crazy amount of time over the years, especially in picking up on projects I haven’t touched for a while.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://brettterpstra.com/2024/08/05/speed-up-development-with-howzit-templates

Just to add a bit since I noticed the Well, this forum died pretty fast - #23 by MevetS post on the forum.

It seems to be working for me on my MacBook Pro. I’ll check on my iPhone and iPad too. (Sorry it’s kinda off topic for this post, but I figured this would be a good test for any cross-posting, etc.)

I see this:

I’m currently on my Mac, that is default Safari, I’m running Sequoia beta at the moment.

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