Welcome to the lab 4.0

I did a redesign of this site last night. I hope you like it. It’s heavily inspired by the iA blog. Shamelessly inspired, I guess. But it was a fun exercise to revamp the Jekyll setup, which took a ton of work. I do not love templating in Liquid, but I do like writing filters in Ruby. I think it came out pretty good.

I do this every few years when I get bored. This site has been running since 2010, and the Circle Six Blog before that. Gosh I’ve been doing this a long time…

Unfortunately the embedded comments are broken at the moment, so if you want to offer feedback, please join me in the forum!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://brettterpstra.com/2024/09/08/welcome-to-the-lab-4-dot-0

I like it!

Kudos Brett!

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